Daniela Falecki Life coaching

Daniela Falecki Life coaching

Monday, 31 December 2012

2012 ... year end .... bring on 2013

As 2012 comes to a close i am left reflecting on what has passed ...... In a nutshell, most people I speak to say the same thing .... "its been a tough year with many learnings" ..... they are happy to welcome in 2013...... me too.

2012 has been a year of closures, endings, growth and getting on track. For some this has been easy and for others this has been challenging.

This leaves me asking ... "What can I take from 2012 and bring into 2013?".

The answer for me is simple .... TRUST..... Trusting myself, my decisions, my actions and my intuition. There are no right or wrong decisions just choices. I intend to TRUST MYSELF whole heartedly in 2013 as I embrace life, love lots and shine my light on the world.

Thankyou to everyone who has supported me on my journey. I look forward to continuing to support you. Much love xx

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

21-12-12 Power & Meditation

There is a lot of talk about 21-12-12 being that of a doomsday, yet this could not be further than the truth. You see, 21-12-12 is a time when our planet is in exact alignment with the sun which means the earth at this time holds an immense power that YOU can tap into if you want to. This has not happened for 26,000 yrs and is why it is heralded as a significant event on the Mayan calendar - it is a time of transition into light and love instead of fear and pain. That is why this Dec solstice holds such great significance this coming week.

What this means for you is simply holding your intention in your heart and mind for how you want your life to be and CHOOSING JOY. Life is no longer meant to be difficult yet some of us have been so programmed to experience difficulty that we do not know another way. The time is now to embrace this new energy.

For this reason many people will be holding millions of meditation circles around the globe this coming Friday. I encourage, you too, to take a moment to breathe, open your heart to love, and be your absolute truth. Feel the light in your heart grow and feel joy filling your world. The end is here alright and thank goodness for that, because a new beginning is upon us..... one of awareness, possibility and love. I look forward to sharing my continuing path of self mastery with others in 2013 as together we grow, learn and connect to our soul truth.

Here is a simple video to explain more that could also be used as a simple meditation. May light fill your world and your heart at this magnificent time xxxxxx :)


Wednesday, 12 December 2012

So it's 12-12-12, what does it mean and now what?

There has been a lot of hype around this date but what does it all mean for our everyday lives and decisions?
Did you know this will be the last multiple date for a 1000 years or so. Did you also know that numerologically, this date is known as an 11 master day. Ie, when you add 1+2+1+2+2+0+1+2= 11. This means a day of great power, wisdom and manifestation.
Finally, this date is happening near a Super New Moon (which is tomorrow), which means the cosmic energy is high bringing new beginnings. The new moon is in Sagittarius which is a fire sign meaning new energy, almost as if the phoenix breathes life into what was once perceived lost.

Overall, this makes this day a powerful day charged with new beginnings. Perhaps that is why the last few months have been so difficult for some - because we have had to clear the path securing lots of endings, throwing stuff out and bringing closure to all those things that no longer served us. The good news is that if you have been vigilant wrapping up these endings then you in for a time sunshine, joy and happiness. If endings are still lingering, get a move one and wrap it up – NOW!

So, what does this mean for you today and this week?

All this means this is a wonderful opportunity for you to start living exactly as you want to. If you look back at this year, have you found yourself dreaming about what you want, but doing what you think you “should”?... well stop. It’s time to start living the dream instead of planning it and talking about it. It means you need to actually follow the guidance and direction you are given. It means looking for the beacons that light the path ahead and walking slowly in the direction of those beacons. As you move, more beacons will be revealed.

So often we sit, pray and ask for answers yet this is not a healthy question - answers put us in a stationary state ie. We ask a question, we get an answer and then we sit, saying thanks for the knowledge and awareness. It is almost as if once we have the answer our need for knowing ceases and so does our movement. Instead, it is essential to seek direction not answers, for it is direction that lies the path, not answers itself.

So, my tip for today is ..... spend a moment to connect to what your true heart desires and take one step towards that goal. Have your eyes, ears & soul open to the beacons that are presenting themselves and follow them. Do not ask for answers but follow the direction you are given. If one door closes, thank it and move on to the open door. Do not let the path that is before you go un-noticed. Be courageous, move and most importantly believe that you are more than capable of achieve it (your dream). Be open, be ready and walk the path of your dreams.

With love, light and truth, I wish for peace to fill your heart


Thursday, 29 November 2012

Accepting our deepest self even if we don’t like it

Wow... what a ride the last few months have been.

Does anyone else feel like they have been in a washing machine for the past month? or whipped around an emotional tornado? Or is it just me?

All these emotions that I thought I had dealt with decided to come & play with me once more.  It’s like the door to the attic flipped open and all this stuff just fell to the floor. I can tell you that it has been an interesting journey.... different to many others.  I’m not sure if I have failed or succeeded as all I am left with are more questions than answers.

As a result, I haven’t written a new blog in a while, probably because it has been quite a tumultuous time. So much has been happening that i haven't been able to articulate anything.

For me, this time of emotional upheaval hasn't been an external experience filled with drama & life changing events around me, but more of an internal experience. I have gone about each day, functioning in the world as normal, but feeling utterly consumed in my own “stuff”. There have been many days where I have just felt like I couldn't keep going. I felt consumed by my own misery, sadness & lack of answers. I mean, where did these emotions come from? Was it hidden stuff or other people’s stuff I was feeling? .... and what do I have to do to move through it as quickly as possible? I was left questioning everything I did, I said and all that I was..... It was official.... I knew nothing.

With all the skills and tools that I had learnt over the past 30 years, I still felt completely alone, vulnerable and isolated..... I was left asking myself, “did feeling this way make me a fraud as a coach?”.....  “Who was I to promote “Self Mastery” when I had no idea myself?”  Perhaps that is why I stopped blogging over the past few months. I felt I had NO right to preach to others when I was consumed in my own black cloud.

Through sitting with myself I have gone deep into my own shadow only to hate what I had seen. How could I do ‘this’ or think ‘that’ and then promote “peace, love and mung-beans”? I decided I was a fraud.

Then came the questions, “If I am a fraud then what am I? Who am I? Where do I go now? What do I do now?”...... OMG.... my eyes were open to the real me and I didn’t like it.

Everything I had learnt, all the wisdom I had read & disciplines I practiced meant nothing to me. Nothing seemed to fit any more and I began throwing everything out. It was all fake to me, everything lacked truth, it lacked essence and it lacked my life force. I was being reborn and I didn’t know it, how or even why. It was painful, emotionally painful and I had no-where to hide. I was left with no choice but to sit with it and wait for it to pass.

So, in times of need, why not seek help I hear you ask? .....well, I have to say that I am very fortunate to have many loving, wonderful people around me. I did seek out family and friends to hang out with to try and shift my own space and when people asked me how I was going or if I was alright, I would reply  “yes, all good”. My head and heart were saying “no, I’m not Ok, I need help”, yet the words wouldn’t come out of my mouth. Something was stopping me from reaching out. It’s like my angels where saying this one was for me and me alone........ Then the next barrage of questions & judgement came .......  “Why was I lying when I needed help?” “Am I that much of a coward that I cant ask for help?”  I told myself I trusted these people, they are my friends, my family, yet here I was speechless, left to my own devices in my own mind with my own emotions. I was left with nothing but myself. I simply had to trust myself and trust that all was happening in perfect order. I figured there were higher powers at work and I continued to go with the flow where ever it took me. I continued to take each day at a time, hoping it got better.

So, what is it exactly that I was waiting to pass? Well, without going into a lot of detail, the cosmic energies are very high at the moment and in fact have been high for all of 2012. If we go back to 11.11.11, this was an opening of a gateway into the new consciousness. One of being more aware, more present, and more awake to ourselves. Most of us have spent 2012 waking up to our true selves, our true passions, interests and strengths. For some of us this has made 2012 easy and for others hard. The end of this portal is 12.12.12 with the birth of the new collective consciousness happening around 21.12.12,  (the end of the Mayan calendar). This is NOT the end of time, but the end of our old way of thinking. It is the end of seeking money and fame, and more about seeking purpose and truth. When we are in our truth and living our purpose, the money and fame will come (if that is your destiny). So, what was I waiting for? I was simply uncovering even more layers of my own soul, deep layers of many lifetimes of learnings that needed to be cleared so the light of the new consciousness could be born.

.....Ok, so I’ve lost you a little with all the cosmic talk.

The bottom line is.... We have memories from many lifetimes and even stronger ones from this life time. More often than not, we will place a memory in a category as either pleasurable or painful. The danger here is that all memories have an energetic hold on us until we let go of the memory as being either good or bad. The new reality of NOW is that the memory is simply an experience for learning, neither good or bad – no judgement. As a result, you can let it go – you have to let it go. Physically you have moved on in time and in order to move into the new consciousness & live to your full potential and truth NOW, you MUST let go of all the energy ties/memories that have been holding you back...... just let it go!

Needless to say, I did have the tools to manage such times, and I now feel I have reached a new PEACE inside myself.

I have learnt that the next stage of my own self mastery is not one of perfection but one of LOVE. It is one of acceptance of both the light and shadow that exists in all of us. It is having the courage to acknowledge who we TRULY are as a SOUL.

 I am by no means perfect and free of flaws.... you need only speak to those close to me who will happily tell you. However I have reached a new place of compassion for myself. I am no longer striving to “get” somewhere because I am already here. I am not defined by my relationship (or lack of) or my job, by where I live or by the company I keep. I am not defined by my body, its curves or the colour of my skin. I am not defined by the qualifications I have, the successes I have achieved or failures where I haven’t achieved. I simply AM THAT I AM.

This has been my learning over the past few months. This has been my growth and this has been my destiny as I move forward into the next phase of my own self mastery.

May the love and light of your own soul guide you, love you and cherish you.

You deserve it :)

With blessings

Daniela Falecki

Friday, 31 August 2012

What to do when others rattle your cage?

Have you ever felt pretty centered only to be rattled by other people?

It’s been some time since my last post .... that is because i have been busily PRACTICING the laws of Self Mastery.  As I have said many times..... all is good in theory yet it is putting this theory into practice that is the real test.

The last few weeks has seen me interacting with a lot more people in the various roles that have found me. In these roles i have met amazing people, boring people, interesting people and rude people. I have come into contact with bullies, victims, leaders and whinges. Each interaction has left me questioning myself, my beliefs and my identity.

All this leaves me with the question..... how can we maintain our centre without letting other people rattle it?

I’m not sure I have an exact answer, however what I can say is that it is very easy to get caught up in other people’s stuff without even realising it. It took me a few weeks but I can honestly say that after buying into the drama, the blame, the hurt and the frustration. I have come out the other side realising that it is much easier to stay in your own skin.

You see, in these various roles with other people, I have been “trying” to build rapport by listening, sensing, mirroring and matching. While building rapport is useful, I think I took it too far and lost myself in the process. I forgot to include me in the equation, sensing me, thinking about my needs and trusting myself.

So, instead of thinking about pleasing others, meeting their expectations and wondering what they are thinking, I realised that while listening and meeting their needs were important, it was also important  to stay in my own skin, my own thoughts and my own feelings.

In fact, I heard a good story the other day of a man who would fish in the same spot every day hoping to catch a fish. The man would bait the line, through it in and hope for a bite, each day, the same spot and the same thing.  The fish looked on knowing they were in control just watching the bait go by until eventually, one of the fish took the bait and the main started reeling in the line. The main thought to himself, who is in control now?

For the last few weeks, i too have been taking the bait that others have set by reacting, getting upset and feeling frustrated. The moment I stopped taking the bait and started trusting myself is the moment I became free to swim in any direction I chose. I still listen intently, however i am more aware of watching where the bait is coming from.

Now when I meet a new person, I set my intention by being open, trusting myself and listening to my needs. Once this is done, I then enter the interaction with an open mind and open heart, listening, meeting, matching and building rapport. It is in this place that I am beginning to find my inner peace, put less pressure on myself and in return, get better results.

My question for you is...... who is baiting you? ..... and stop taking the bait.

With love and light


Friday, 20 July 2012

A 5 part Self Mastery Program

People often ask me how can I can be so lucky to have freedom, abundance and love surround me every day. Whether I am at home, work or with friends I truly feel blessed, however luck has nothing to do with it. It all comes from a lot of hard lessons, lots of setbacks and double the amount of reflection and self learning.

It is from these learnings that I passionately share with others how they too can better understand their thoughts, better manage their emotions, have the courage to take positive action and have the faith to believe in their own spirit.

As a result, I created a 5 part series with some simple tools and questions to help you on your journey in SELF MASTERY.

As you read each section, be sure to record and reflect on your responses. I too have read a lot of books, but it is not until you actually EXPERIENCE the tools that your self mastery will unfold.

PART 1 - Be your own best friend

PART 2 - Trust yourself to grow wisely

PART 3 - What about when it feels it all goes wrong?

PART 4 - Question your identity & work with your inner characters

PART 5 - Know when to DO and when to ALLOW

Enjoy the ride and I look forward to hearing your feedback.

May the flame in your heart shine bright and you have the courage to follow it


Daniela :)

Monday, 16 July 2012

Inspire your spirit

Did you know the word INPIRE comes from the words IN-SPIRIT? 

I am excited to say that I  have just secured a contract with Inspire Foundation to write and implement a National well-being program for young people. It is my intention to inspire young people by helping them connect to the spirit within them. This does not mean teaching young people to meditate, hold crystals or chant. It means teaching them to know what they love, accept who you are and believe infinite possibilities.

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Knowing when to DO and ALLOW?

Simple laws in self mastery - Part 5

For the final part of this series I want to talk to you about is the ART OF ALLOWING. I often see people trying to grow, change and become better, yet it is a fine line between DOING and ALLOWING.

Have you ever tried to MAKE something happen only for it to backfire? Have you ever been in a state of TRYING to create something by DOING lots of different thing but nothing seems to work? Or you know something has to change so you try and FORCE the change? You seek advice, you learn new skills, you take ACTION, and nothing happens .... it all seems to be for nothing.

There have been times where I have wondered “what is it all for?”, “why bother being so courageous when all you do is hit a brick wall?”  How is it some people take small steps and doors open while others do the same thing and the door remains closed?

Monday, 2 July 2012

Have you ever felt like you have multiple personalities living in your mind?


A five part series to opening our heart, our minds and our spirit

In part three of The Simple Laws of Self Mastery, we explored the concept of what to do when it all goes wrong. I mean lets face it, Self mastery is easy when life is going to plan, but what about when it is not, then what are you suppose to do?

In Part 4 we look at the different layers and personalities within your PSYCHE. I don’t know about you, but sometimes there are days that I feel really clear, certain and aware, and other days where I feel lost, alone and so ‘un-together’. Sometimes I feel like there are all these different personalities playing games in my head that seem to go round and round creating a world of confusion and doubt. I can be a great leader and teacher and then I can react like a wounded child with a tantrum in a shopping queue. In Part 4, we look at understanding the workings of our mind and our own psyche. We explore the different parts of our self to better understand our strengths and lessons to learn. Remember, it is through awareness and understanding that comes self acceptance.

1. Law of understanding our Identity

Judy Garland once said that it is better to be a first version of yourself than a second rate version of someone else. I tend to agree, so who exactly are you? How would you describe your identity?

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

What about when it feels like it all goes wrong ..... Then what?


A five part series to opening our heart, our minds and our spirit 

Self Mastery is easy when life is great, but what about when it all goes wrong ..... Then what?
Some people may think that because you work in the field of Personal Development that your life is simple & ‘cruisie’. Well I can assure you that my life and that of many other spiritual teachers or coaches I know is far from that.

For those of you who have read “My Story”, you will know I have come a very long way to be where I am now. In this process I have certainly had my share of tears, tantrums and frustration. You need only speak to my family or friends and they will be all too willing to tell you my flaws. What very few people do know is that I have had many days where I have been in absolute despair wondering what the point of it all is, asking myself what am I doing and does anyone even care. There have been many times where I have seriously thought about giving up, getting a ‘normal’ job and fitting in like everyone else. In my times of despair I wallow in my own self pity, complain how hard-done-by I am to a few close friends and then continue about my day pretending I am ok. Perhaps a few hours or even a few days later I am feeling great again. I am clear in my thought, I am ready to share and I feel inspired to carry on. Sometimes it can feel like life really is a roller-coaster.

Sunday, 17 June 2012

It doesn’t matter where you have come from, it only matters where you are heading


A five part series to opening our heart, our minds and our spirit 

“It doesn't matter where you have come from, it only matters where you are heading.” Oprah

In part one of The Simple Laws of Self Mastery, we explored the concept of BEING STILL and LISTENING TO OUR BODY with;
The Law Of Noticing The Little Things
The Law Of Living Life To Its Fullest
The Law of Trusting Yourself
The Law of Positive Self Talk

How did you go? Keeping a journal of your experiences, reflections and insights is a great way to measure just how far you have come. Keep in mind, the journey of Self Mastery is just that, a journey – there is no end just an adventure full of experiences.  I often find it interesting that it seems to only be in times of stress and turmoil that we seek solace in our journal and when things are well, we think we don’t need to reflect on what is going right. I certainly have my share of down days, uncertainty and asking for guidance, however reflecting on my happy days is just as important as reflecting on my down days.

In this section we look at the concept of GROWTH and MOVING FORWARD. As a living being we are constantly growing and changing on a cellular level every second. In fact every living thing is constantly growing and changing. It is a truth that the only constant is change. With this being said, it is also true that the path of Self Mastery involves change and growth. The next few tools presented here are designed to help you direct your change, embrace your growth and support your learning journey.

Lets continue......

1. Law of Filling Your Own Cup

I don’t know about you, but the older I get, the faster time seems to fly. Life seems to happen at a frantic pace.... with more demands, more learning and more responsibility.  Trying to juggle work, personal life, family, and social expectations can be exhausting. From my experience, this running around often comes at the expense of our inner journey. As life gets busier we tend to take less time for ourselves as we set about achieving our to-do lists. The irony is, if we took a few minutes a day to restore our own energies than we would have more energy to run our day. Imagine for a moment a glass of water that is full. Imagine you wake up in the morning and you are this full cup of water. You begin your day with getting ready, travelling to work, liaising with people throughout the day, taking phone calls, sending emails etc, Then you go home to family or catch up with friends. As you go about your day, you give a little bit of yourself to everyone– clients, family, friends, etc. If you get home feeling exhausted it’s because you have an empty cup. While it is lovely to give so much to others (some more than others), it is important to give to yourself as well.

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Are You Your Own Best Friend? Do You Trust You?

A five part series to opening our heart, our minds and our spirit

Are you the sort of person who is looking for answers to life’s big questions? Wanting to know how you can be happier, more successful, or just at peace? From my experience most of us are. The irony with this, is that more often than not, we find ourselves running in circles chasing, when we would be better served to stop and notice what already exists. I know this because I’ve been on that journey for some time and I wanted to share with you some simple tools I used to begin my journey many years ago. In the words from Sarah Ban Breathnach’s book “Simple Abundance”....
“The simpler we make our lives, the more abundant they become”.

One of the keys to self mastery is to practice simple abundance every day. Through doing so, you will come to realise that simple abundance does not require you to take time out or your day, but instead adds time to your day. As you learn to live with greater awareness, you will come to see that you do not need to add anything else to your to-do list but simple be present in the moments of doing what it is you already do – the difference is living consciously.... but what does this even mean?

Friday, 1 June 2012

The Most Essential Spiritual Practice - Honesty by Matt Kahn

One of the most commonly overlooked spiritual practices is daring to be completely honest with everyone you encounter. Some may say others cannot handle their honesty, but true honesty is not a strategy or a weapon of any kind. It is the willingness to be open and absolutely transparent in sharing how any moment feels in your heart. It has nothing to do with confrontation, accusation, or any form of blame. True honesty is the willingness to stand completely exposed, allowing the world to do what it may, and say what it will, only so you may know who you are - beyond all ideas.
Feelings such as fear, shame, guilt, doubt, denial, envy, anger, and resentment arise whenever we have

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Life is a journey...it’s all a matter of perception

Some have the belief that life is hard, others that it is easy. My belief is that life is a journey of endless travel between the spirit world and the physical world, merging learning with growth and growth with more learning’s.

So, what does this actually mean? I don’t know about you, but from my own experiences as well as the people I see, we are continuously circulating our thoughts, analysing our emotions and trying to understand the decisions we make on a daily basis.  More often than not trying to make the RIGHT decision. Sometime we find ourselves dwelling in negativity, trapped in our own turmoil, unable to see the options and opportunity before us. Sometimes we become so paralysed by fear and not making the WRONG decision that we forget that there is no right or wrong, just an experience.

Why is this so?  Why do we trap ourselves in our own thinking and how can we get off the emotional rollercoaster? Is there ever a time when we become satisfied and happy with the decisions we make and the outcomes we achieve?

Saturday, 12 May 2012

Self Mastery Begins with Self Love

How many of you want to grow a business, earn more money or have more freedom?

I think it could be safe to say that most people fall into one or many of these categories.

When thinking of growing, we often think of discipline, planning and action – the core foundations of self mastery. Well, I can tell you from first-hand experience that Self Mastery only comes from Self Love. It doesn’t matter how much you want, yearn, crave and plan. If you are selling your time, your services, your soul, then it simply won’t happen. In order to gain anything, we must learn to commit to our self before committing to others.

The challenge is that in business, especially start ups, we are so intent on PLEASING everyone that we will do almost anything to get the sale. The irony is that often we sell our self in the process and don’t even realise this until we are working 18 hour days, waking up restless in the middle of the night and sabotaging our health and spirit in the process.

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

What is really true for you?

I recently read something that said “don’t believe everything you think”. This is because what we think is often an interpretation of the stories we tell ourselves. If this is the case, then how do we know what is really true and what are just stories going around in our mind?

Our minds are constantly unchecked chattering, mostly going round in circles which then creates a loop of thought. The danger in this is that we can easily get caught in this loop like a fish in a fishing net and not be able to find our way out.

For me, ......

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

The dream .... is it really possible or make-believe?

How often have you had the vision of something you want, only for it to remain elusive. You try everything you know to help you move yourself forward yet you seem to keep hitting brick walls and dead ends. Well, let me tell you this ...... KEEP GOING!

Did you know that the archaeologists who first went searching for Tutankhamen’s tomb, gave up only 3 metres before the opening. They spent years digging and left defeated and disappointed. This same story can be told for lots of people who have gone in search for a goal only to give up just before they meet success.

I can tell you I ......

Sunday, 4 March 2012

Are you a master of your body? Here's 5 Tips for 5 days

Hands up if you want your body to look better, feel better and perform better but cant be bothered, cant find the time, and frankly its all too hard?

Me too ......

Well ..... we have all heard it before ..... “we are what we eat” but what if there is more to physical health than just food. What if our thoughts affected our weight? What if our projection of always thinking we are fat, actually contribute to our reality that we could be?.... ok, not fat just CHUNKY. Stop kidding yourself and wake up!

Imagine you were to create a mini-you that was small enough to take a journey through your own body - what would it look like? what scars would you find? where is it clogged? and what help does it need to feel fresher, lighter and stronger?

These are the questions that circulate in my mind, so let's take this 5 day challenge together ( what better day to start than today, right now) 
     1. Eat green

Here lies the nutrients and vitamins we need to repair our cells.  Within every green food lies the life force and energy of the earth. Every time you consume green, you are actually taking in all the nutrients provided by mother earth (actually, perhaps a few pesticides have been added, unless organic, but we will talk about this later.)

Self Mastery Tool for Physical Health - eat something green 3 times a day    

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

What animal is your personality - take this FREE test

One of the greatest lessons I have learnt is that my way is not the only way .... I know go figure... who would think?

It may sound simple, however upon further reflection there is quite an easy reason for this, one that can be explained by our personalities.

Imagine for a moment we had 4 animals in a room;
  • Bull
  • Peacock
  • Labrador
  • Owl

How do you think they would each act, think and feel?
Imagine they could all communicate with each other, what might happen in this room?

Which animal would you say might be in-charge of action due to their sheer strength but can be sometimes seen as aggressive?

Which animal is going to want all the attention, to put on a show although can get so caught up in connecting with others they forget what they were supposed to be doing?

Which animal will be loyal, trusting and giving no matter what is happening, sometime to their own detriment?

Which animal will think a lot about the situation, applying logic and reason yet sometimes can get caught up in the detail?

Can you pick which animal aligns with each characteristic?   

Which animal characteristics do YOU align with? 

Monday, 27 February 2012

Don’t believe everything you think about yourself – ask these 4 simple questions

I have the privilege of speaking and helping a lot of people. A common theme I hear is “I’m not good enough”, “I’m not smart enough”, “I don’t know what to do”, “I should do more”, “I should know better.” and so on. Often we put so much pressure on ourselves by the thoughts we choose to have.

If you have ever fallen into that category then here is a very simple tool for you. It comes from the work of Byron Katie where she simply asks 4 questions beginning with “IS THIS TRUE?”

.... Is it really true that you are dumb, not good enough and should do more? ...... search your mind, body and heart ... really search.

 ..... Is this really true?
.....  How can you know for sure that this is true?
.....  How do you react, what happens, when you believe that thought?
.....  Who would you be without the thought?

Really sit with this and ask yourself these questions. These questions are know as THE WORK. The great thing is, the work simply implies the work we do on ourselves.

More often than not we get so caught up in our own thoughts that we actually start to believe them. I have done many courses and read many books and I find the strategy created here by Byron Katie to be not only simple but effective.

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Do you know the purpose of your life’s experiences?

Have you ever wondered what your purpose in life was?

I mean what is the point of all the stuff you have been learning – the good stuff and the crappy stuff? Why do we have to experience it? What does it all mean?

Well, I recently completed a course in Transpersonal Coaching which is basically incorporating Spiritual Intelligence into Coaching – but what does that even mean?

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Coping with Change - why and how?

People tend to think that if you are in the field of Personal Development, that life is easy. Well let me tell you, the more aware you are, the more challenges you face. You see, we all experience change, but that doesn't mean it is always easy. So, how can we better manage it? how can we become more flexible and “go-with-the-flow”?, how can we be better manage the fear and anxiety and why is change even necessary?

I wish I had a simple answer or you, however I do not ... sorry about that.

Change is everywhere.

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Feb already .... ?

Wow .... Its February already ... how time flies when your having fun.

The start of 2012 has been full of excitement and wonder with many opportunities unveiling themselves.

From the beginnings on the Hawksbury River on New Years day to hippy markets near Byron Bay. Hanging out with family in Coffs Harbour and then having the realization that everyone else is back at work ..... Now what .... I decide it is time to act and get my a........ into gear (act that is).

Thankfully I love what I do, so jumping ......

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Change your thoughts

The following piece comes from just reading Dr Wayne Dyers powerful little book “Being in Balance” 

Did you know we have roughly 60,000 thoughts a day, these are usually the same 60,000 thought we had the day before and the day before that. The problem is we are not even conscious about these thoughts as they circulate day in and day out.

Dr Dyer begins by saying thoughts are like money, we invest them in many things.  He asks us the question of ‘would it be wise to spend all our time investing money in things we don’t want?’ the answer is going to be f course not, yet this is what we do with our thoughts.

Sunday, 22 January 2012

Uncover the Authentic You

I have just finishing listening to Robert Holden on Hay House Radio talk about our obsession with change.

I have to agree that if we replace the word CHANGE with GROWTH, then all of a sudden progress seems less confronting and exciting.

What if we ask ourselves the question, "how can i best GROW in the direction of my dreams?" Instead of "what do I have to change?"

I don't know about you, but that seems a much more empowering question than feeling we have to change who we currently are.

I mean, what if, we don't have to change but just get rid of all the crap we carry around with us in our own mind. What if all we have to do is uncover our true authentic self? What if we have all the resources already inside us? What if there is nothing wrong with us? What if there is another way of being?

My Story of Self Mastery

My story of Self Mastery

I rarely talk about my past and the journey I have been on for the past thirty plus years, preferring to stay in the now rather than rehash old stories. However, it has become more apparent that people are actually interested in each other’s story. The more I read, learn and speak to people, the more I realise we all have a story. While this part is not fascinating, what is interesting is that we often underplay our story, not realising the gift in the story and how the messages and learning’s of this story can actually help others. It is through this realisation that I share my story - the story of how I have become of master of myself and continue to grow into Self Mastery.

Most people experience many challenges with numerous ups and downs. In fact, growing up, I had one of those stories filled with abuse, trauma, manipulation, hurt and despair.

I grew up in what you might call a “dysfunctional family” that was very multicultural. My biological father was Polish, my mother New Zealand and my step-father from the age of 2 was Lebanese. There was myself the eldest, and my sister 2 years younger, then came along my other two sisters some 10 years later. We grew up in South west Sydney in the Cabramatta area were the population was 90% south east-Asian – so as you can see, I had nearly all nations covered.

Growing up as a freckly red-head in an Arabic community wasn’t easy – I didn’t speak the language, didn’t like the food and certainly didn’t look like the rest of them. People would ask me what nationality I was and I would say “a bitza” – ‘a bit of this and a bit of that’. The great thing now is that I can assimilate into any culture at any time and feel comfortable, mostly because I am comfortable with myself and then partly because my experiences growing up gave me many opportunities to learn from others.

Apart from culture, there were other challenges.

Friday, 13 January 2012

Share your voice

Well, for the past few days cicadas have been following me around - not in noise but literally flying into me.

For some this might be quite an exciting period however for those who know me, while I love nature, I am happy to hear cicadas and not see them. In fact it would be safe to say I dont like them at all.

 Unfortunately or fortunately they have decided each night to fly in the window of my house and taunt me for the evening by sitting in my lamp shades and then flying around my head.

Acknowledging my ridiculous fear .....

Building respectful relationships

A mix of accountability, commitment and forgiveness create the perfect recipe for a lasting relationship.
By Dr. Craig Martin
Being in a relationship requires a certain amount of readiness, and knowing what that means can make the relating so much easier. There are a number of factors that one should consider when getting involved with someone. The most important of them are accountability, commitment and forgiveness. Each one of these is a whole story in and of itself, but taken together they comprise the most fundamental elements of relationship success.
Let’s take a look at them one at a time, and see how they work together to create balance between couples.
Accountability is really about owning your actions and behaviors, both inside and outside of the relationship, but most importantly ...... read more

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Trust the Higher Voice

Wow ..... a woman after my own heart.  

Here is an article from the founder of "Elevated Existence" Magazine.

I’m sure you’ve heard it before—the voice that rationalizes everything, making up excuses for you to do things you know deep down you should not. The one that says, “It’s O.K., go ahead and eat that second piece of chocolate cake,” or “You have been through a lot this week. Treat yourself to a new outfit,” even though credit card debt is piling up.

This is the voice many of us hear most clearly and most often. But what if there was another voice  ....

Friday, 6 January 2012

Embracing Confusion

 Here is an article from someone who inspires me

by Matt Kahn

Often times, seekers pursue spirituality to overcome a sense of confusion. Yet, the deepest intention of spirituality is not to overcome confusion in pursuit of more clarity. It is the sincere and heartfelt willingness to find true clarity by relaxing into any sense of confusion, as an essential part of awakening to your true divine nature. Confusion arises during the unraveling of the overstimulated nervous system which represents the withering away of ego consciousness.

Think of confusion as the maturing of a flower. The confusion symbolizes the flower forgetting all the memories of being a seed, as it blossoms open to reveal its true identity; a reality no seed can ever anticipate or imagine. As memories of being a seed are forgotten, it recognizes itself not just as any flower in particular, but as the vastness of the garden miraculously exploring itself - throughout such a unique journey of blossoming.
During your experience of blossoming, any sense of confusion invites you to .....

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Questions to live your gift in 2012

Often we start the year with setting resolutions we don't keep and setting intentions we cant keep.

Instead of setting ourselves up for potential failure, why not begin the year by asking ourselves some empowering questions.

The question I ask myself each day is ..... HOW CAN I BE OF SERVICE TO THE WORLD TODAY?

In the words of Micheal Bernard Beckwith, try asking yourself the following things ..... "What gift is trying to emerge through me? What power is trying to become conscious of itself in me?"

You see, we all have a gift to share with the world, we all have something special and unique about us and in us that is as unique as our fingerprint. Often our gift is something we love, the things we would do just for the enjoyment of it.

Have you ever heard the say, by doing what you love, you never work a day in your life.

If you are unsure about what your gift is, try asking 3 of your closest friends what they perceive as your gift. Listen and acknowledge the strengths you have and the gifts you have to share with the world. As i have said many time ...... "Few people are good at everything, yet everyone is good at something."

Foe more information about recognising your gifts, check out the book or movie "Discovery the Gift" or go to http://www.discoverthegift.com

The moral here ... is that the gift is something that is given to you ..... it lies IN YOU

Enjoy sharing your gift as I enjoy sharing mine


daniela :)