How often have you had the vision of something you want,
only for it to remain elusive. You try everything you know to help you move
yourself forward yet you seem to keep hitting brick walls and dead ends. Well,
let me tell you this ...... KEEP GOING!
Did you know that the archaeologists who first went searching
for Tutankhamen’s tomb, gave up only 3 metres before the opening. They spent
years digging and left defeated and disappointed. This same story can be told
for lots of people who have gone in search for a goal only to give up just
before they meet success.
I can tell you I ......
have certainly felt like this too. I have been on the personal development journey for over 20 years and I have never stopped learning and growing. In doing so, I also have very high expectations of myself. I understand my mind, listen to my heart and am open to new ways of thinking. So when I feel I keep hitting brick walls, I question what i am doing, thinking and feeling. It is in that moment that I am reminded to STOP, CONNECT and LISTEN.
have certainly felt like this too. I have been on the personal development journey for over 20 years and I have never stopped learning and growing. In doing so, I also have very high expectations of myself. I understand my mind, listen to my heart and am open to new ways of thinking. So when I feel I keep hitting brick walls, I question what i am doing, thinking and feeling. It is in that moment that I am reminded to STOP, CONNECT and LISTEN.
It has been a while since my last post because this space of
questioning is the place I have been in for the past few months. I had the
knowledge and skills, yet still I felt trapped. I felt like retreating from the
world and so I did. You could say that I have been in my own cave, spending
days and weeks on my own, thinking, writing, drawing and playing. In this space
I have continued asking myself what is my hearts true desire? If I could do
anything what would it be? What if I didn’t have to answer to anybody, What
would i really say? Who am I? And what is my life’s purpose and does anyone
even care anyway?
Yes, I know, I even did the “poor me” thing.
In this time of questioning I was repeatedly left with only
one thing I still hold true now ... STOP-CONNECT-LISTEN.
I decided to stop complaining, whinging and blaming. I stopped
asking everyone else what they thought and i sat with myself. I stopped
running, trying and forcing.... I stopped.
I took time out to connect with what makes me feel good. I
spoke the truth without trying to manage other peoples emotions and I became my
own best friend. Instead of doing what others expected or wanted, i chose me,
to do what i wanted.
I listened to my inner voice through writing in my journal,
by surrounding myself with nature and all things peaceful and being truly
honest with myself.
The result ....... I have just moved to my dream home in
Wentworth Falls in the Blue Mountains. I have been travelling up here for the
past 10 years and have always wanted to live here but never found it practical
or possible. As doors closed around me, my time and space became free to follow
my dream so I began exploring the
possibility of moving to the mountains.
I began looking at properties, packing my things and telling
people around me I was changing direction .... again. People wanted reasons, plans
and outcomes but i had none. All I knew was that i was following my heart.
I have been here two weeks now and i can honestly say I feel
completely blessed. I smell the mountain air, I hear the birds sing, I have
angelic trees peering through every window of my house and I am in control of
me. I wake up every morning with immense gratitude. I move through the day
loving my world around me and go to bed each night surrounded by magic.
I do not have a direct plan of the next stage or how things
will go. As a life coach people may find this quite odd. What i do have is a
true connection to me and belief that i am exactly where I need to be. I have a
vision for sharing, helping and guiding hundreds of thousands of people and I
am open to how this occurs. I love my current coaching clients and feel blessed
that they continue to share their success and grow my business. I love running my workshops and seeing
people’s eyes light up with revelations. In a nutshell, I look forward to
continuing to live the dream.
The moral for you ..... so often I hear people wanting so
much, they want things to change. The irony is, you have to let go of your
current position for anything to change. You actually have to experience closed
doors and dead ends to open the way for new opportunities, the opportunities
that bring joy to your life, peace and purpose.
I look forward to sharing more of this story and strategies
in my workshop this Saturday...
With love and light
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