A five part series to opening our heart, our minds and our spirit
Self Mastery is easy when life is great, but what about when it all goes wrong ..... Then what?
Some people may think that because you work in the field of Personal Development that your life is simple & ‘cruisie’. Well I can assure you that my life and that of many other spiritual teachers or coaches I know is far from that.
For those of you who have read “My Story”, you will know I have come a very long way to be where I am now. In this process I have certainly had my share of tears, tantrums and frustration. You need only speak to my family or friends and they will be all too willing to tell you my flaws. What very few people do know is that I have had many days where I have been in absolute despair wondering what the point of it all is, asking myself what am I doing and does anyone even care. There have been many times where I have seriously thought about giving up, getting a ‘normal’ job and fitting in like everyone else. In my times of despair I wallow in my own self pity, complain how hard-done-by I am to a few close friends and then continue about my day pretending I am ok. Perhaps a few hours or even a few days later I am feeling great again. I am clear in my thought, I am ready to share and I feel inspired to carry on. Sometimes it can feel like life really is a roller-coaster.
We all put on a brave face for others, but who ever really knows what is going on inside? The answer is simple ... YOU.... and that is all that ever matters.
You see the more books I read & courses I do to better understand myself, the more I realise just how much of a journey life is, and how self acceptance is a MUST on the road to self mastery. In fact, I have learnt that the more I learn, the more I realise the less I know. Think about that for a moment, there is soooo much to learn. It seems like every time we learn one thing, we are reminded of a series of information that we could learn.
The irony with Self Mastery is that as we continue to raise our awareness, challenge our beliefs and be open to learning we become more responsible for our choices, decisions and consequences. As a result, once you know something in your heart, you can't unknow it.
Self Mastery can be a tough road because with self awareness, you can't hide from yourself... Eg, once you have an awareness of what feels right, no matter what you do, if you decide to go against your inner knowing, it simple won't work. Once you begin to tap into your own wisdom, you then can’t pick and choose what you will listen to and what you won’t. Your own inner knowing is always there to guide you and put you exactly where you need to be, whether you like it or not. The wonderful thing is that you are always supported, it is your perception that chooses to see this or not.
The flip side of this is that the journey to self mastery can result in a lot of change. For example, in order to become a better, more happy, more successful person, you must let go of the old person you were or perhaps are. This shift WILL result in CHANGE to possibly your relationships, your living situation, your job or career. The danger with this is that people close to you may see you as selfish, isolated & unstable due to the constant change. People may see you from the outside as a failure because you are always moving onto the next project as you try something new. They may see you as lacking stability because you move from home to home or job to job. They may even try to encourage you by asking you – “when are you going to get it together and settle down?”.
I used to get really angry when people would say that to me but now I realise this is all part of the path to self mastery. You see, it is very easy to sit in the same job, in the same relationship and same house dreaming about what you want and how you would like your life to be. It is not so easy however to actually make changes, take a leap of faith and blindly follow your heart trusting that you are divinely guided. It takes great courage to listen and follow your inner voice. It takes guts to try new things knowing some things won’t work out. It takes commitment to follow things through & humility to know when it's time to move on.
Think of it this way, Imagine each new experience was like trying on a new jacket. We see what we like, we thinking about, try it, buy it, love it, then after a while we are ready for a new one. Imagine each experience in your life was a jacket - maybe a new skill, a new friendship, new job etc. Sometimes we get so attached to things that we forget that life is just about the experiences. Sometimes we keep wearing the same jacket even though it is out-dated or doesn’t fit. We might want a new one, but we have to throw out the old one and begin the journey of trying on new jackets until we find one that fits again.
With all this decision making may come uncertainty and judgement from others. I can tell you I stopped justifying my decisions and explaining my actions to others a few years ago. I simply state what I am doing, smile and leave it at that. I completely trust myself and whole heartedly follow my own inner guidance. I am learning more and more how to decipher between my ego-voice and my heart-voice and I can honestly say that I am much happier for it. This doesn’t mean that I don’t still have down days, because I do. The difference is I have many tools from which to draw in processing, allowing and accepting the flow of my own growth. I move more freely between the highs and the lows with a greater level of understanding and awareness.
The path of self mastery is not about reading books, attending courses & meditating for hours on end or even being happy all the time. For me, self mastery is about living life to the fullest, with honesty, integrity & compassion. Self mastery is about balancing the polarities in life that exist. It is taking action & being still when required. It is talking & then listening at different times. It is giving and receiving in equal proportions. It is my vision that Self mastery gives you the tools to move more freely in your life. To help you manage your roller-coaster and be open to accepting your full potential.
In a nutshell;
• Acknowledge the person you are on the inside, be open to listening
• The more you learn, the more you realise the less you know
• Self awareness breads self responsibility.... it take courage
• Stand true in your choices, you do not have to justify them to others.
• Learn to decipher the difference between your ego-voice and your heart-voice
• Move with the polarities of life.
I hope Self Mastery is beginning to make sense to you and you too are starting to be more conscious about the toolbox of skills that you have to move through each day.
I look forward to hearing your stories.
With love and blessings
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