We all know teaching can be rewarding and draining – the main reason is that we are humans – emotional beings, we are not machines.
If as teachers we are to educate other human beings we must begin to understand what it is that makes us human. We must learn about human behaviour and how we have evolved thus far. While there are many theories into this, here I want to share with you the philosophy of Dr Rudolf Steiner, the father of Anthroposophy and Steiner Education. These philosophies are quite esoteric and not for everyone, please keep in mind it is just one way of seeing the growth and development of the young people we teach.
Dr Steiner begins by saying ....
that all children are little spirits that come to us with many lifetimes of experience. This does not mean that they are little adults because they are not. They are spirits that have been living in the vast space of the universe but have now chosen to squash themselves into this little physical body and learn the lessons of their next life here on earth. It is the task of the teacher to guide this new life through the vital years of learning so they are able to face the lessons they need to face.
This brings us back to the structure of the human being itself. The human body consists of many layers that exist in unity with its surroundings. The first part of our body is that of our physicality. This is easy to see and easy to comprehend. We can see, feel and touch our nose, feet, hands, etc.
The next layer of our body is not so easy to see. I mean how does our body actually send electrical currents through our body across empty spaces from our brain to our toes? What actually makes our body function? What drives this energy and how do people interpret this energy? How does our body feel? Some call this energy our Chi, others call it our life force and Dr Steiner refers to it as our Etheric body.
The next layer of a person’s body exists outside themselves. It sounds strange but true. It is the energy around you that helps you feel if someone is in your personal space. Have you ever had your eyes closed and still been able to feel if someone comes close to you? Or have you read the mind of someone else or someone said just what you were thinking? This is because they have entered you personal energy field, known as your Astral body, or sometimes known as you Aura.
The fourth and final part of our body is that of our Ego. This is not the ego that we know as egotistical, but the ego that is our centre, the part of us that makes us different to everyone else, the part that is our identity.
So what does all this have to do with education?
By understanding the four aspects of our body we are able to better understand the importance of teaching children about their physical self, their etheric self (how they feel), their astral self (how they think), and their ego (their identity). We do not necessarily use these esoteric words but by understanding the layers of our body it brings value to teaching social and emotional skills to support intellectual and physical skills. By doing this children are able to feel more adjusted, be more aware of themselves as well as their role and place in society.
Is this not our role as educators ? To teach all aspects of the child, not just their intellect?
Daniela Falecki
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