Daniela Falecki Life coaching

Daniela Falecki Life coaching

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Change your thoughts

The following piece comes from just reading Dr Wayne Dyers powerful little book “Being in Balance” 

Did you know we have roughly 60,000 thoughts a day, these are usually the same 60,000 thought we had the day before and the day before that. The problem is we are not even conscious about these thoughts as they circulate day in and day out.

Dr Dyer begins by saying thoughts are like money, we invest them in many things.  He asks us the question of ‘would it be wise to spend all our time investing money in things we don’t want?’ the answer is going to be f course not, yet this is what we do with our thoughts.

Sunday, 22 January 2012

Uncover the Authentic You

I have just finishing listening to Robert Holden on Hay House Radio talk about our obsession with change.

I have to agree that if we replace the word CHANGE with GROWTH, then all of a sudden progress seems less confronting and exciting.

What if we ask ourselves the question, "how can i best GROW in the direction of my dreams?" Instead of "what do I have to change?"

I don't know about you, but that seems a much more empowering question than feeling we have to change who we currently are.

I mean, what if, we don't have to change but just get rid of all the crap we carry around with us in our own mind. What if all we have to do is uncover our true authentic self? What if we have all the resources already inside us? What if there is nothing wrong with us? What if there is another way of being?

My Story of Self Mastery

My story of Self Mastery

I rarely talk about my past and the journey I have been on for the past thirty plus years, preferring to stay in the now rather than rehash old stories. However, it has become more apparent that people are actually interested in each other’s story. The more I read, learn and speak to people, the more I realise we all have a story. While this part is not fascinating, what is interesting is that we often underplay our story, not realising the gift in the story and how the messages and learning’s of this story can actually help others. It is through this realisation that I share my story - the story of how I have become of master of myself and continue to grow into Self Mastery.

Most people experience many challenges with numerous ups and downs. In fact, growing up, I had one of those stories filled with abuse, trauma, manipulation, hurt and despair.

I grew up in what you might call a “dysfunctional family” that was very multicultural. My biological father was Polish, my mother New Zealand and my step-father from the age of 2 was Lebanese. There was myself the eldest, and my sister 2 years younger, then came along my other two sisters some 10 years later. We grew up in South west Sydney in the Cabramatta area were the population was 90% south east-Asian – so as you can see, I had nearly all nations covered.

Growing up as a freckly red-head in an Arabic community wasn’t easy – I didn’t speak the language, didn’t like the food and certainly didn’t look like the rest of them. People would ask me what nationality I was and I would say “a bitza” – ‘a bit of this and a bit of that’. The great thing now is that I can assimilate into any culture at any time and feel comfortable, mostly because I am comfortable with myself and then partly because my experiences growing up gave me many opportunities to learn from others.

Apart from culture, there were other challenges.

Friday, 13 January 2012

Share your voice

Well, for the past few days cicadas have been following me around - not in noise but literally flying into me.

For some this might be quite an exciting period however for those who know me, while I love nature, I am happy to hear cicadas and not see them. In fact it would be safe to say I dont like them at all.

 Unfortunately or fortunately they have decided each night to fly in the window of my house and taunt me for the evening by sitting in my lamp shades and then flying around my head.

Acknowledging my ridiculous fear .....

Building respectful relationships

A mix of accountability, commitment and forgiveness create the perfect recipe for a lasting relationship.
By Dr. Craig Martin
Being in a relationship requires a certain amount of readiness, and knowing what that means can make the relating so much easier. There are a number of factors that one should consider when getting involved with someone. The most important of them are accountability, commitment and forgiveness. Each one of these is a whole story in and of itself, but taken together they comprise the most fundamental elements of relationship success.
Let’s take a look at them one at a time, and see how they work together to create balance between couples.
Accountability is really about owning your actions and behaviors, both inside and outside of the relationship, but most importantly ...... read more

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Trust the Higher Voice

Wow ..... a woman after my own heart.  

Here is an article from the founder of "Elevated Existence" Magazine.

I’m sure you’ve heard it before—the voice that rationalizes everything, making up excuses for you to do things you know deep down you should not. The one that says, “It’s O.K., go ahead and eat that second piece of chocolate cake,” or “You have been through a lot this week. Treat yourself to a new outfit,” even though credit card debt is piling up.

This is the voice many of us hear most clearly and most often. But what if there was another voice  ....

Friday, 6 January 2012

Embracing Confusion

 Here is an article from someone who inspires me

by Matt Kahn

Often times, seekers pursue spirituality to overcome a sense of confusion. Yet, the deepest intention of spirituality is not to overcome confusion in pursuit of more clarity. It is the sincere and heartfelt willingness to find true clarity by relaxing into any sense of confusion, as an essential part of awakening to your true divine nature. Confusion arises during the unraveling of the overstimulated nervous system which represents the withering away of ego consciousness.

Think of confusion as the maturing of a flower. The confusion symbolizes the flower forgetting all the memories of being a seed, as it blossoms open to reveal its true identity; a reality no seed can ever anticipate or imagine. As memories of being a seed are forgotten, it recognizes itself not just as any flower in particular, but as the vastness of the garden miraculously exploring itself - throughout such a unique journey of blossoming.
During your experience of blossoming, any sense of confusion invites you to .....

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Questions to live your gift in 2012

Often we start the year with setting resolutions we don't keep and setting intentions we cant keep.

Instead of setting ourselves up for potential failure, why not begin the year by asking ourselves some empowering questions.

The question I ask myself each day is ..... HOW CAN I BE OF SERVICE TO THE WORLD TODAY?

In the words of Micheal Bernard Beckwith, try asking yourself the following things ..... "What gift is trying to emerge through me? What power is trying to become conscious of itself in me?"

You see, we all have a gift to share with the world, we all have something special and unique about us and in us that is as unique as our fingerprint. Often our gift is something we love, the things we would do just for the enjoyment of it.

Have you ever heard the say, by doing what you love, you never work a day in your life.

If you are unsure about what your gift is, try asking 3 of your closest friends what they perceive as your gift. Listen and acknowledge the strengths you have and the gifts you have to share with the world. As i have said many time ...... "Few people are good at everything, yet everyone is good at something."

Foe more information about recognising your gifts, check out the book or movie "Discovery the Gift" or go to http://www.discoverthegift.com

The moral here ... is that the gift is something that is given to you ..... it lies IN YOU

Enjoy sharing your gift as I enjoy sharing mine


daniela :)