Daniela Falecki Life coaching

Daniela Falecki Life coaching

Friday, 16 September 2011

Listening to our Heart Voice (Part 2)

Have you every read a self-help book, words of a spiritual guru or been inspired by a biography? Don’t you just feel great, and feel like you too could achieve great things. You walk away feeling alive and empowered then you get in the car and before you are able to take another breathe you find yourself in road rage, screaming at the person who has just slipped in front of you – where did the peace go?

There is certainly a large gap between reading about an inspired life and being an inspired life. I think this is what i seek..... to BE AN INSPIRED LIFE.

Does this require me to be more and strive for more? In order to be more , don’t i need to change who i am so i may attract more of what i want? Don’t i need to think bigger, give more and allow more? Don’t i need to push myself to learn and stretch my comfort zone?

Some would say yes and others would say no, so who is right, or more importantly what do i do?

The answer my friends is i repeatedly get is to LISTEN.

Its not a matter of doing but a matter of listening, listening to that heart voice that tries so hard to reach you. The voice that is not spoken in logical words but felt in every cell in your body. It is the voice of feeling, the voice of knowing and from here comes the act of being.

Have you ever seen people who just love what they do, to the point where they radiate light and energy. We want to be them, we want to have their zest for life and we want to bask in their glory. Well guess what, you can, the catch is, it is not their voice you need to hear but your own. It is not their glory you can bask in but your own. It is not their light you can buy, but create your own. 

This is your sole task. It is here you find your soul purpose. The heart voice is the map of the way to your home.  The heart voice is the you connected to you and by being connected to you, you are connected to the divine source. This is what we seek, this is what i seek.

The question now is..... will you listen?

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