Daniela Falecki Life coaching

Daniela Falecki Life coaching

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Listening to our Heart Voice (Part 4)

Here are some more steps to help you listen to your heart voice.

Remember, there is no judgement, only observation. Through observing our own self’s, we better manage the mind and open up the heart voice.

Keep a journal of your progress and watch your inner light shine.

1.       Notice the mental clutter – observe the ego voice that fills your mind and lower it

2.       Give yourself permission to not be perfect in your actions – all is already perfect as it is

Saturday, 17 September 2011

Listening to our Heart Voice (Part 3)

Yes, i know part 2 was short and left you hanging ... this was very much deliberate. Where you frustrated, did you want more? This is the very point. There is no more, you cannot fill a cup that is already full. You already have all the answers within you.

Did you take some time to listen to your own heart voice? Did you notice your thoughts and ego mind moving in and out. Which voice is louder, the heart voice or the ego voice?
If you cannot observe the ego voice then you will never find the heart voice. The ego voice is strong and powerful and the heart voice subtle and sweet. But do not be fooled. The ego voice has its limitations and if it is peace you seek, the ego voice knows know destination.

Only when we are in alignment with our own truth do we truly listen and follow our heart voice. We know we are doing this when we feel alive, when time passes without realising it. When we feel connected to both ourselves and others and when we feel every cell in our body is bursting with appreciation, gratitude and joy – this is the energy of the heart voice, this is the way of the heart voice and this is the path we seek.

Friday, 16 September 2011

Listening to our Heart Voice (Part 2)

Have you every read a self-help book, words of a spiritual guru or been inspired by a biography? Don’t you just feel great, and feel like you too could achieve great things. You walk away feeling alive and empowered then you get in the car and before you are able to take another breathe you find yourself in road rage, screaming at the person who has just slipped in front of you – where did the peace go?

There is certainly a large gap between reading about an inspired life and being an inspired life. I think this is what i seek..... to BE AN INSPIRED LIFE.

Does this require me to be more and strive for more? In order to be more , don’t i need to change who i am so i may attract more of what i want? Don’t i need to think bigger, give more and allow more? Don’t i need to push myself to learn and stretch my comfort zone?

Some would say yes and others would say no, so who is right, or more importantly what do i do?

The answer my friends is i repeatedly get is to LISTEN.

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Listening to our Heart Voice (Part 1)

We spend our whole lives seeking but seeking what. We spend our whole lives striving but striving for what?

These are the questions I am left pondering on this day....a day where i am filled with abundance at every turn. A day that sees me blessed and alive, yet still i seek. What is it I am seeking?

Next, Im thinking, am i over thinking. Am i Turning myself inside out for no real reason, am i just bored?

God only knows.... what an interesting term. What if god does know, what if god is in me? Does this mean i might already know? what if i do actually know?

Then it hit me..... what if i know but am not listening to my own self.  What if  my higher self is actually trying to communicate with me but my mind and ego are getting in the way.

So, i thought i would try a little experiment of observing my own thoughts, observing my own mind, what i call the ”ego voice” that I so frequently hear, observing it to see what am i actually saying to myself in each moment, how am i seeing the world and interacting with it. How am I playing this game of life?

Here goes....