Daniela Falecki Life coaching

Daniela Falecki Life coaching

Monday, 14 November 2011

11-11-11 what does it all mean?

Well, the 11–11–11 time has just passed. For some it has been a monumental event based in timelines, history and spirit. For others it has been just another day – so what does all this mean?

You see, the number eleven has been significant in many ages and for many lifetimes with roots in blessings, gratitude, forgiveness and of course love. It is a universal number of strength, new beginnings and mastery of the self.

The events leading up to this significant time have been mixed by all. Some more spiritually connected beings are using this time to harness and remember old energies and timelines. Others are just feeling “weird” and not sure why. Either way, this time combined with the full moon has resulted in people feeling strong in their own truth and not prepared to waiver in this truth. This is why you may have been feeling excited, centred or perhaps frustrated, annoyed and even tired at this time. These latter feelings only occur when you are not being true to you, when you are living life by someone else’s rules and agenda. When you act out of “should”, “but”, “I don’t know”. This event of 11-11-11 is the sign that this has to stop now. The time is now to live for you as you.

The significance of this date is for all of us to STOP, LISTEN and ACT.

The time is NOW to allow yourself to be a HUMAN – BEING not a HUMAN – DOING.

If you are sick or running in circles then stop running. If you are tired of being on the roller coaster then get off. If you are frustrated at swimming against the current then stop and float. It really is up to you – YOU DECIDE YOUR DESTINY NOW.

Here are 3 easy but not simple steps to help you get started;

1.  Stop and breathe – yes right now, not later after you have made dinner, swept the floor and rushed the kids off somewhere..... right now. Close your eyes, put your left hand on your heart and breathe. Feel your breathe go in and then out, feel the heat of the energy of your hand and feel the love that you give to yourself in this moment. Do this for 3 big breathes, 3minutes or 3 hours, It doesn’t matter how long, just do it until you feel the connection of your breathe with your body and the stillness of your own thoughts.

2.  Listen to your inner voice – you know that little voice inside your head that says “this feels right & this doesn’t”?, that is your heart voice. Some call it intuition or instincts, the bottom line, is it is there. This is the voice that is NEVER wrong and ALWAYS right. The challenge is being quiet enough to hear it and deciphering the difference between our heart voice and our ego voice. The best way to do this is to close your eyes, breathe as mentioned above and think about a situation that is consuming your mind. Consider one possible course of action and breathe in as if this course of action has happened. Notice the feelings in your body – does the feeling make you smile, stand tall and bring joy? Or does this taking this action make your body feel tense, cringe and feel frustrated? Noticing how your body reacts to thoughts is a great start to listening to your heart voice. It is the feeling of expansion or contraction that gives you guidance when acting with your best interests at heart. If you heart open and expand then your heart voice says YES, if you feel your heart contract then you are advised to take another course of action.

3.  Act with compassion and trust – It is one thing listening to your heart voice, and a very different thing to act on it – let me tell you, it can be challenging but is always rewarding. The reason for this is because there are other people involved and we are often wanting to ‘manage’ other peoples responses and feelings so we feel better about ourselves. Acting with compassion and trust comes from standing in your own truth and saying what feels right for YOU. It means “No Compromises” of the self . This doesn’t mean you walk around without consideration for others, what it means is you act with awareness and consideration of yourself first and then others second. It means being kind to others because you choose to, not because you feel you “should” or “have to”. It is saying “no” when it feels right and saying “yes” equally when it feels right.

Is it all really this simple?  ......... actually yes. This is the beginning anyway .......

This is the new way of the HUMAN – BEING known as the “5th Dimensional Warrior”. This is the significance of 11-11-11. This is the way of the future and the only way to find peace, joy and harmony in this time of new energy.

So, live, love and be merry in this very auspicious time where we reconnect to ourselves and by doing so are able to better connect with others.



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